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This beautiful girl is falling asleep in the sun after having a reiki treatment. Before her sessions she was prone to getting over excited. Reiki helps to calm an over excited or stressed horse. It can speed up any healing needed for an injury and can help a horse get rid of any emotional baggage caused by neglect, abuse, grief etc. 💜

This handsome ex racer has had his 3rd reiki treatment. Unsure of what he was having done it took the 3rd one for him to totally relax and let go. A massive healing took place during the 3rd one. Reiki relaxes, will de-stress a tired and anxious horse, will help accelerate the bodies own healing and can help get rid of any negative experiences they are holding onto 💜

This cute boy is only 4, is a rascal and very cheeky. He doesn't like being in his stable and is bit of a free soul. Throughout the reiki he relaxed then paced, came back then relaxed. He wasn't keen on his right side being treated and his owner confirmed he doesn't favor that side. Reiki relaxes, accelerates healing and can help a horse that has suffered a trauma 💜

This beautiful girl hasnt been with her owners long . Shes loving and affectionate but gets quite excited when in the competition arena. Reiki is a great relaxant, it de-stresses and helps a horse to calm down. It can unblock any stagnant energy that could be causing behavioural issues💜

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